Naga Plebiscite Day: Organisations Gear Up for Commemoration Events on May 16


Newmai News Network

Dimapur: Preparations are in full swing at various venues by various organisations to commemorate Naga Plebiscite Day on May 16.

Naga National Council (NNC), Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR), NSCN-IM are among the prominent organisations preparing to commemorate the day.

FNR organised the Naga Plebiscite Day will be held at the NBCC Convention Centre in Kohima. FNR has invited several Naga organisations and prominent leaders to participate in the programme.

Also Read | NSCN-IM to Commemorate Naga Plebiscite Day of 1951 on May 16, Reinforces Political Significance

Meanwhile, NSCN-IM said it will organise the mega event at ‘General Headquarters Church of Naga Army, Hebron Camp off Dimapur. According to the NSCN-IM programme, the event has been christened “Commemoration of the Naga Plebiscite 1951”.

Naga Army chief, Gen. Ningkhan Shimray will give the welcome address on the occasion, while the presidential speech will be delivered by NSCN-IM vice chairman Tongmeth Wangnao.

Deputy ato kilonser (deputy prime minister) Gen. VS Atem, secretary general

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