NSF, AISU condemns Indian armed forces failed IED attempt at Jadonang Memorial site

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Kohima/Tamenglong: The Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) and All Inpui Students’ Union (AISU) in a separate press statements vehemently condemned the failed attempt made by the Indian armed forces, through one of its personnel by the name of Thiyam Ashok Singh of KongbaLeikai, Imphal Manipur, a CID/GD of the 87th battalion of the CRPF of Kambiron to disrupt the peaceful and tranquil environment in the Naga homelandby planting an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) at the site where the program for renovation of Jadonang Memorial was going on at Puilang village in Tamenglong District on 24th September 2022.

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The press communique of NSF issued on Monday, accused the Indian security forces over the “admission by the accused that the IED was planted under the direction of his commander Inspector Dogra Singh of the 87th CRPF Battalion while the IED was delivered to him by the 39th Assam Rifles at Nungba.” NSF said the act, “revealed a new low in the sinister plot of the Indian Armed forces to hijack the hard-earned peace brought about by the ongoing political negotiation between the Government of India and the Naga Political Groups.”

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The Federation expressed that it is left to wonder as to how many such incidents had gone undetected in the past and how many innocent Naga souls were made to face the brunt of the armed forces atrocities for no fault of theirs. It is convinced that this incident cannot be one isolated case as the Indian armed forces will have no qualms in victimizing the innocent civilians to meet their desired goal of creating chaos and confusions through dubious means, as exposed by the Puilang Incident.

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NSF further said that it is relieved that the attempt to cause death and grievous hurt was thwarted by the vigilant womenfolks of Puilang village. “It is truly hard to imagine the harassments and the hardships that the civilian populace would have to endure had the nefarious design of the armed forces succeeded. The Federation acknowledges and appreciate the women folk of Puilang for their fearless role in preventing the worst from happening to our people by unraveling the evil plot,” it added.

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Furthermore, the Federation reiterated the resolution adopted during the 2nd Federal Assembly held on 12th March 2022 at Kohima wherein the house resolved to firmly extend non-cooperation to Indian Armed forces until the draconian Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) 1958 is repealed from the Naga homeland.

The All Inpui Students’ Union statement on Tuesday said it is “sickened with the continued militarization by the Indian Armed Forces in the Naga inhibited homeland and the clandestine use of power to subjugate and suppress the rights and voice of the indigenous people. The AISU is appalled by the power hungry and ethical blind armed forces that continues to dictate and plant stories to suit their political masters and their inflated self-interest.”

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