One-Day Awareness on One Stop Centre and Child Rights Conducted

A one day awareness on One Stop Centre (OSC) and Child Rights was conducted on Sunday in two sessions from 10:45 AM till 3 PM at Mount Sinai.

Chonchuirinmayo Luithui Pheiray, Centre Adminisrator OSC, Shungmichon Vashum, Paralegal and Wontimla Kashung, Case worker cum Counselor were the resource persons in the programme.

The first session was with the residents of Eden Home about General Information on OSC, POCSO Act and Self care. The second session was conducted for the locals of the Lanai Tang covering Women’s rights and OSC, Child rights under POCSO and Child Parenting.

The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences, or POCSO, (Amendment) Bill, 2019, provide punishment to those engaging in sexual assault, sexual harassment, pornography and provide special court for trials of such offences. The Bill has been approved by Parliament and the Act was amended in August 2019.

“Rape, touching of intimate parts, taking pictures or asking to remove clothes is an offence is punishable under POCSO”, informed Shungmichon Vashum. “If anyone has seen such offence, you have to report it if you don’t, it is also offence”, she added.

Under POCSO Act such offenders are punishable with 20 years in prison and fine or even non bailable lifetime imprisonment.

“The cases, if reported, are all kept confidential. We have two counselors in our centre; we don’t share the information of the victims with each other. Uploading of pictures, sharing name or other details in social media or among the people is not encouraged. It is protected under POCSO”, said Chonchuirinmayo.

While talking about self care and Self protection, Wontimla Kashung told the children,”You are the master of your own body. No one should tell you what to do with your body”. She continued by saying that most of the sexual assault are committed by close relatives.

One stop centre is a central government sponsored scheme under the Ministry of Women and Child Development. The centre supports women and girls affected by violence in public and private spaces. Rescue and referral service, lodging of FIR/NCR/DIR, psycho-social counseling, legal aid and counseling, temporary shelter with basic needs, video conferencing are the services provided by OSC.

OSC, Ukhrul have recently received “Best Performing One stop Center” under the World Health Organization (WHO) VAW International Survey of OSC by WHO project titled: “Mapping Good Practices of Institutions Supporting Redressal of Violence against Women in India- an Institutional Coverage”.
“In OSC, Ukhrul we print our brochure and pamphlets in various languages such as Hindi, English, Tangkhul, Kuki and Manipuri so that the message and awareness will reach all people”, said Chonchuirinmayo.

Eden Home founded in 1990 is a Children home run by Tanmila Vashi started in 1990 with her husband who passed away recently, under Eden Resource Home (NGO). They also run Specialist Adoption Agency (International). There are 47 Children in Eden Home at the moment.

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