Ukhrul: The Veikhang Hangva Wungnao Long (VHWL) which comprises of five villages under Ukhrul district in Manipur has given its strong recommendation to the candidature of A Mark Luithing Phungthar
Ukhrul: The Veikhang Hangva Wungnao Long (VHWL) which comprises of five villages under Ukhrul district in Manipur has given its strong recommendation to the candidature of A Mark Luithing Phungthar
Imphal: Congress party in Manipur, on Monday, sought the disqualification of two of its sitting legislators who left the party and joined the BJP. The Congress party submitted a petition
PARTY: Bharatiya Janata Party AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Ningkathar khamashung khangarong eina yaruirinwui sheba kasa. Yaruiwui luiram khokha-yangkha sada yur ngalei reisang khavai kasa. Khamashung khangarongli katom khami. Tangkhul luiramwui lansin
Imphal: National People’s Party (NPP), Manipur unit, has made it clear on Thursday that the party will go alone in the upcoming elections to the Manipur Legislative Assembly. “No pre-poll
PARTY: Naga People’s Front (NPF) EARLY LIFE Ram Muivah was born in 1960, at Shokvao village to Late Khashim Kasommuivah and Late Sarah Seipaila Zimik Kasommuivah. The spirit of philanthropy continues
PARTY: Bharatya Janata Party (BJP) MOTTO: ”Together, for everyone’s growth with everyone’s trust.” OBJECTIVE: (i) Working towards overall upliftment and empowerment for an inclusive development of Manipur (ii) To earnestly
PARTY: Undecided MANEFESTO To enhance loving and peaceful co-existence amongst different communities without creed and caste or religion in our land. To bring equal development and welfare programs. To encourage
Tribal MLAs led by Hill Areas Committee Chairman, K. Leishiyo Keishing along with Outer Member of Parliament, Dr. Lorho Pfoze had met different central leaders on September 28 last. The
Athuan Abonmai, an advisor and former president of the top Zeliangrong Naga body, Zeliangrong Baudi ( Assa, Manipur, and Nagaland) was killed in Tamenlong district on Wednesday after being abducted
Election of a member of the Manipur legislative Assembly was declared null and void on the charge of furnishing false information in the affidavit, in another landmark judgment of the