SSR observed Thanksgiving Service of newly gifted Bolero by MLA SS Olish

Chandel: Thanksgiving prayer service of new vehicle (Mahindra Bolero) donated by MLA 41-Chandel (ST) Constituent Assembly SS. Olish Lamkang was held at LiwaChangming village public playground on Thursday organized by Sirti Sanuw Ruh (SSR) also known as Monsang Women Union. Rev. Ts. Morison, Pastor LiwaChangning Baptist Church was the blessing minister of the day.

In her welcome and keynote address, president Sirti Sanuw Ruh (SSR), Ts. Dinpham expressed her profound gratitude to SS. Olish for her generous gift of Bolero vehicle to Sirti Sanuw Ruh (SSR) and welcome all the important dignitaries of Monsang community including Sirti Upa Ruh (Monsang Tribe Union), Sirti Eruwng Ruh (Monsang Chief Association), Monsang Officers’ Association (MOA), Monsang Olympic Association (SOA), Sirti Thiimjiitam Sourkhe (STS), Sirti church leaders, and all the well-wishers form other communities who attended the thanksgiving service.

Sanuw Premory Ngoruh, speaker SSR in her appreciation speech mentioned that ‘”Only woman can understand the problem of women” and exalted SS. Olish for her understanding, bravery and generosity. She is a blessing to women and wished her for more success in future. Upa K. Khartu, chief of Liwachangning village appreciated SS. Olish for being the first lady MLA from Chandel district. Woman like you is rare, he emphasized.

SS. Olish in her speech, thank the organizing committee for the warm welcome. The gift of Bolero is on need basis felt from long years of personal sufferings she had faced herself in the past. Women according to her, also deserved a vehicle of their own that could help them to commute and attend meetings and other important works on their own. During her speech, she acknowledged the many difficulties and challenges faced by leaders working in Civil Society Organizations (CSO) in particular. She encouraged CSO leaders, cutting across gender to excel for greater achievements for the good of the society.

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“In love and through cooperation with one another, together we can achieve many heights”, she asserted. She urged the house to be positive in outlook and learning to encourage talented and hard-working youths and leaders will create more positive energy in the society in future as she concluded her speech.

SS Olish Chandel
Mother’s Day gift to Women Unions of Chothe, Lamkang, Moyon, Monsang & Tarao dated 8th May (Sunday) 2022 by MLA SS. Olish, 41-Chandel ST/AC.

It may be mentioned that SS. Olish had assured Bolero gift to women union of five tribes namely Chothe, Lamkang, Monsang, Moyon and Tarao as Mother’s Day 2022 gift during her post election felicitation program held at Monsang Pantha village on March 8, 2022. The same was given to the five tribes on Mother’s Day 2022 celebration held at Ralringkhu village organized under Ambilish Trust.

In recognition of the gift, Sirti Sanuw Ruh (SSR) organized Thanksgiving Prayer Service at Liwachangning village to acknowledge and appreciate SS. Olish for her generosity. The occasion was marked by songs and dance from Japhou Women Fellowship, Monsang Pantha Women Society, LiwaChangning Women Fellowship and Liwa Khullen Women Society. Sirti Sanuw Ruh (SSR) presented SS. Olish, a beautiful portrait of her painted by Monsang artist Ng. Ringvean from Japhou village.

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