WHILE THE Nagas have better sense of hardships, distresses etc. borne by the Kuki-Zo peoples as the consequences of the present ethnic conflict, it has become all the more inevitable for the Nagas to register our opposition to the issues raised and incorporated in their memorandum submitted to different authorities as it is posing a big threat to the very existence and inalienable rights of the Nagas Particularly in the state of Manipur. The United Naga Council has been putting all possible efforts to end the ongoing ethnic conflict between the warring communities Kuki-Zo and Meiteis through dialogue but unfortunately things are not turning positive as expected. The Nagas are also taken aback by the blatant lies, lop-sided history and fabricated information contained in every statement and memorandum issued by the Kuki-Zo community which is tantamount to distortion of Naga history and insult to the Naga people.
Must read | FH lodge FIR against two Kuki-Zo academicians and Author of Anglo-Kuki War 1917-1919 book
With regard to land, the Nagas’ opposition to the creation of new districts in 2016 remains alive as unfinished issue. Of the districts, ones carved out from Senapati and Chandel districts are the handiworks of the Congress government’s appeasement policy carried out in the name of administrative convenience. Hence the demand of separate administration which incorporates the so-called new two districts is necessarily opposed. The Nagas’ stand on the opposition remains unchanged.
The bifurcation of the so-called two districts is an issue virtually with the Kukis only not with Zo peoples. In this regard the Kuki-Zo people’s representation to the Union Government, Israeli’s Prime Minister, European Parliament, UNO, etc. is on false territorial foundation and an attempt to befool those authorities because in the context of Manipur, the name Kukis were first heard sometime between 1830-1840 and therefore, ‘Kuki hills’ that appear in the fourth para of the mentioned memo to the Prime Minister of Israel is non-existent and utopian concoction.
Must read | TNL reiterates Tangkhul area as ‘Neutral Zone’ after killings of 3 Kukis under Ukhrul Dist
And, what is mentioned in the memorandum as the area of ‘Outer Manipur’ for the creation of Kuki State (for the Kukis only excluding the Zo peoples?) also with Kuki Hills which may exist somewhere else. Do the Kukis speak with sense? Such wild venture will lead the Kukis to nowhere today and in future. It is sheer attempt to script bad history for unending enmity between us.
As for an instance, it is an act of befooling them if the establishment of new villages in Kuki areas within Naga districts is stated to be for their displaced people of 1990s conflict being kept the fact of illegal immigrants hidden before those authorities. The doctored statement is mentioned in the memorandum submitted to the United Nations Organization.
Historically, the advent of British in the History of Manipur has brought about many unwanted changes. One of the many problems that we inherit from the British colonial rule is the issue of the planting of the Kuki tribe in the Naga hills. As a mercenary Tribe the British found the Kukis quite useful. Their total lack of attachment to any land and landscape was immediately recognised by the British thus making them instrumental to crushing the indigenous communities of Manipur. That, UNC would like to set the record straight that the recent blatant attempt of Kukis at distorting history of Kuki rebellion of 1917 -1919 as Anglo-Kuki War to legitimize their imagined Kuki homeland within Naga ancestral homeland is one of the classic examples of their habitual lies. It may be recalled that Kuki Rebellion 1917-1919 was a savage episode of murdering, torching houses, plundering and enslaving women and children of indigenous Naga community in Ukhrul, Chandel and Tamenglong in Manipur. Thus, it was never a war but a mere rebellion with the colonial power as there is no record of Anglo-Kuki War in the history of India (MHA).
Must read | Ngahui Village massacre in 1918: Less than a dozen survived
It is also pertinent to bring to the notice of all the conscientious individuals and authorities that, the state of Manipur is now flooded with illegal immigrants from Myanmar and Bangladesh. In all the districts, there has been increasing and expansion of villages and creation of new villages rampantly and at the rapid pace. Columns of illegal camps are being built in alarming rate near the town of Moreh and its surrounding areas to facilitate the settlement of those intruding Kukis from Myanmar. If the flow of illegal immigrants is not stopped by the Government of India and the Government of Manipur, the day will not be long when the Indigenous population will be reduced to a minority.
In the Memorandum dated 16th August 2023 submitted to the Prime Minister of India by the 10 MLAs of Kuki-Zo demanding the creation of the post of Chief Secretary and Director General of Police or equivalents, other posts, is nothing but a mere different tune sung out of the same lyrics, the demand for separate administration. In this regard too, the Nagas are not with the Kukis as it involves the problems raised above. Moreover, it is completely uncanny and unfortunate on the part of the Kuki-Zo peoples to have clubbed Chandel district along with the so called Tengnoupal district together with Churachandpur district as their land. Remember, (the areas remain without time) the stone megaliths, menhirs found in different parts of Churachandpur speak of the precedence of the Nagas (especially the Zeliagrongs) over the present inhabitants and the Anals and Lamkangs in Pherzawl areas. And, prior to the submission of the memorandum, nine names of Naga tribes of Chandel district are incorporated in Kuki Constitution as Kuki tribes. The Nagas urge the Kukis to show the basis of the inclusion. The Nagas will not remain mute over the issue. Having said all these the
Nagas believe that nothing in this regard is too late to set the wrong to right.
(Issued by UNC Information & Publicity Secretary, August 21, 2023)
Good. The more Manipur Nagas and Meitei protested and question about Anglo – Kuki War, the better it is from the Kuki point of view. If at least these so-called indigenous people of Manipur (funny name to claim legitimacy — consider calling yourself “the real people of Manipur”) Kuki Rebellion, good enough. That just exposed your true intentions. The best place in hell is reserved for you lot filled with hypocrisy. No wonder the real Nagas of Nagaland wants nothing to do with you. Rote in hell.
WhaT do you mean by ‘real naga’… Kindly elaborate plz
N u think Nagaland Naga will b silent if yr so call kacha Naga of Manipur get poked by anyone, try and and feel it bro, blood is thicker than water. With my limited knowledge i better keep silent
I am from angami tribe and I won’t bother..since Manipuri nagas joined hand as brothers with maitei to protect the integrity of Manipur..
Plz do not drag our people from chandel into such problemtic issues,which has the potential to cause disharmony in the region.if you want to fight,do it in sanapati,ukhrul but not chandel
Calling a particular community outrightly illegal seem influenced by vested interest, dont u, if not deeply rooted hatred.I hv one question to how do you justisfy like lamkang tribe,which has 50% more or less similarities with zo people culturally,traditionally,linguistically,as one among the many nagas.For ur reference,im lamkang,we dont want to come under any group either nsga or kuki,we only want 6scheldul,not unrealistic objectives, which u have been dreaming on since u were born.with gun,u cant change an identity,it will be only temporary,and u know it well!
Bick Dig
Kelethu Khatso
Being a concerned naga citizen from nagaland who loves history especially northeast tribals, I came across may books written by the Britishers i.e Mackenzie Northeast Frontier s and other many related books which purely described the events of kuki uprising in the hills of Manipur. So my point is why the nagas of Manipur get involved in supporting the distorted history by meitei against the kuki community.
Is there any fear to lose few so called nagas land.
If the greater Nagaland demand of Manipur nagas is genuine, why don’t they take this conflict opportunity to separate from manipur and join nagaland instead of upholding the integrity of Manipur.
The so called nagas of Manipur from chandel are more kuki than nagas. If you claim them as racially kuki and politically naga, then the kukis of nagaland are more naga then majority of the naga tribes. Since kukis of nagaland had been involved in naga politics, right from naga club till the framework agreement.
I didn’t expect a parent body like Unc to stoop so low.
Not bad n well said
It has been bugging me for a while u see after i heard the news about the conflict i was curious so i dive into the British,Indian records but not local🙃
N i read many intresting things
1. Yea the british did record of the kuki uprising n it is true it did happen but calling this just a rebellion by kuki is confusing cause u see the very Anglo-manipur war started with a rebellion by birtikendrajit a meitei’s infact to be more accurate it is a coup so why call it Anglo-Manipur? This is one of many
2. About the Claimed Naga territory or kuki territory it seems to be overlapping each other n truth told the hills is where tribals thrive both Naga n kuki but both of these have no proper recorded of their own cause lets face it those days they did not have a written language nor r they educated
3. Even i have been wondering y the Naga of manipur who r demanding greater nagalim but they seems to be acting otherwise
4. Lastly the ST the naga issued a statement saying the kuki demand must not be met also says meitei’s ST should not be given but also says “They r neutral”
Example: If say things settle down n the central pass a resolution giving Meitei’s their demand then will the Naga of manipur restart another conflict? Or kuki their demand? Or naga got their demand?
The position of Naga is very confusing if i may say so.
No offence
Care to explain distorted history by meitei against kuki or you are just a kuki sympathizer. There was no word word kuki as such ,British gave them. Fact is Manipur Kings and British allowed the kukis to stay in Manipur and now they are claiming to the indigenous people is quite funny. Kukis have right to stay to Manipur but they don’t have any right to ask for separate administration or separate state.
Just curious
I try to explain that in his stead😁
1. Kuki uprising did occur n the kuki did fight against the colonial power.
But meitei are saying it never happened 😂. This is what he meant by meitei distorting history
2. Well based on most literature the British wrote the hills especially the south of manipur state is mostly unexplored it was only in the 19th that they the kuki start to surface . Just cause they stay isolated does not mean they don’t exist one can’t rule out this possibility
Even many tribes be it kuki or naga or any other aren’t documented or popular enought but they do exist
3.Fact is the meitei king settled only 2000+ khongjais during his rule n the hills governed by the respective tribes and the king ocassionally force taxes of these tribes before British conquered manipur after 1891 the king barely have power to rule over even the valley the king had power over only cultural n festival
4. N lastly this is no longer the past this present is INDIA
N yea the do have the right to demand or seek seperate administration or UT or state under India Constitution Article 3😁
It has been bugging me for a while u see after i heard the news about the conflict i was curious so i dive into the British,Indian records but not local🙃 N i read many intresting things For 1. Yea the british did record of the kuki uprising n it is true it did happen but calling this just a rebellion by kuki is confusing cause u see the very Anglo-manipur war started with a rebellion by birtikendrajit a meitei’s infact to be more accurate it is a coup so why call it Anglo-Manipur? This is one of many 2. About the Claimed Naga territory or kuki territory it seems to be overlapping each other n truth told the hills is where tribals thrive both Naga n kuki but both of these have no proper recorded of their own cause lets face it those days they did not have a written language nor r they educated 3. Even i have been wondering y the Naga of manipur who r demanding greater nagalim but they seems to be acting otherwise 4. Lastly the ST the naga issued a statement saying the kuki demand must not be met also says meitei’s ST should not be given but also says “They r neutral” Example: If say things settle down n the central pass a resolution giving Meitei’s their demand then will the Naga of manipur restart another conflict? Or kuki their demand? Or naga got their demand? The position of Naga is very confusing if i may say so.
No offence
Please feel free to comment n when u comment please mentioned ur community i am curious of ur views👍
Michael zoute
As a Christian brethrens it a must to warn and avoid another conflict knowing there are some elements who want’s to degrade our Unity..Our big brothers (Nagas) know it well..cos they fear the Almighty GOD who created us …May God wills be done…Not our will…AMEN…in Jesus Name…