After the arrest of six accused, including two women based on a tip-off at Avalahalli, Bengaluru in the viral video of rape and sexual assault case of a woman by Bengaluru Police on Thursday, two of the accused tried to escape crime scene. According to NDTV report, around 5 am Friday, the police had taken the accused to the spot for reconstructing the crime scene when two of the accused allegedly tried to flee and police had to open fire, DCP (Bengaluru East) Shranappa S D told NDTV. The injured accused have been hospitalised.
A statement from Bengaluru police said that all the six accused and the victim are said to be from Bangladesh. A case is registered against the accused in Ramamurthy Nagar Police Station under Bengaluru in Karnataka.
Bengluru police preliminary investigation informed “As per information revealed so far, all of them are part of the same group and believed to be from Bangladesh. Due to financial differences, the culprits brutalised the victim who is also said to be a Bangladeshi, brought to India for human trafficking,” reported NDTV.
As per police reports, the video of the Bangladeshi girl being undressed and sexually abused was reportedly shot in Ramamurthy Nagar in Bengaluru nearly 15-16 days back, Times8 informed.
Additional Director General of Police, Delhi Police and Special Commissioner, Robin Hibu IPS
announced the arrest by Bengaluru police. He said confirmation of the arrest news from his counterparts in Bengaluru, Spl CP and DCP of the Bengaluru police.
Robin Hibu IPS issued a statement thanking Rajasthan Police, Gujarat Police, Assam Police, Delhi Police, Mizoram Police and IT Cell of Helping Hands, who toiled day and night in scouting these monsters in the repugnant viral video. Special thanks was mentioned to DCP Jodhpur Alok Shrivastava, DCP Meena from Rajkot, Gujarat, Vijay volunteer from Rajkot, Gaurav Vats from IT Cell Helping Hands.