Ukhrul: Discussion on Waste Management Issues in Ukhrul headquarters, initiated by Tangkhul Shanao Long (TSL) with EnFocal and MIKC was held at TSL office on Friday. Various topics concerning the poor management and lackadaisical attitude of the District Administration were discussed from disposing of waste, clogging of the drainage and waterways concerning Ukhrul town. TSL, Tangkhul Katamnao Long, Ukhrul Discussion Forum, VVD, EnFocal, MIKC, other NGOs and media were present in the discussion.
Thingreiphy Lungharwoshi, president TSL led the discussion and briefed the participants. She informed that under the guidelines of National Green Tribunal, every district should have a District Environmental Plan. Guidelines for solid waste, hazard waste, water, air and noise pollution were to be created by the respective district or state.
NGOs like MIKC, EnFocal along with the DLOs started creating the plan and guidelines during former DC Ukhrul, Joseph Pauline’s period. Different department took charge of formulating the guidelines for waste management pertaining to their department. Under such understanding, solid waste management was taken by ADC; water pollution by PHED; air and noise pollution by forest and police dept; and hazardous waste management by health department. However the said guidelines were left incompleted as the then DC, Joseph Pauline was transferred and replaced. It was Krishna Kumar, the present DC of Ukhrul, who came and completed the guidelines.
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“A stern order was given to the district administrative. They were to be held accountable, even to the point of curtailing their salary, if they didn’t complete the plan”, said Thingreiphy Lungharwoshi president TSL. She added that all volunteered and took their respective responsibilities in completing the plan. “No matter how good the plan is, if we don’t implement it practically, we cannot inculcate the issues to the people”, she added.
When it was time to implement and put the plan into action, proposals were made to the DC, to mobilize in each and every locality and take up the cleaning at least twice a year. It was also proposed to allot fund from Swatch Bharat or MGNREGS with an estimated amount of 4000 per locality.
It was informed that Solid Waste Management By-Laws, Ukhrul District was created together by different department along with the NGOs but there is no proper implementation of the action plan from the District Administration. In the absence of DEP being implemented, students, youths, nonprofit like EnFocal, MIKC and others have been initiating responsibilities in cleaning the town voluntarily.
Waste management Dos and Don’ts were also made under the District Environmental Plan.
Ukhrul Beautification Forum (UBF), a monitoring and enforcement group was also formed under the vision and slogan “Waste Free Ukhrul”, “People’s health in people’s hand”. This group is jointly formed by CSOs, NGOs and Press of Ukhrul District.
A motion to create Green job was also mentioned during the discussion.
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