Launching of IMI 4.0 in Tamenglong District

Tamenglong: The deputy commissioner of Tamenglong, Hungyo Worshang IAS launched the IMI 4.0 Tamenglong at the conference hall of CMO office complex, Tamenglong on March 7.

The DIO Tamenglong Dr Sunil Kamei highlighted about the upcoming IMI 4.0 rounds which aims and plans for the immunization sessions for the drop out, missed out children below 2 years of age and pregnant women in the villages as outreach sessions under 3 health blocks of Tamenglong district viz, Tamenglong block, Tamei block and Tousem block.

The session sites under District Hospital Tamenglong, Tamei PHC, Tousem PHC and Oinamlong PHC are 20, 37, 35 and 19 respectively.

The target children under DH Tamenglong, Tamei PHC, Tousem PHC and Oinamlong PHC are 108, 51, 84 and 41 while the pregnant women target are 32, 63, 42 and 22 respectively.

There will be 3 rounds consisting of 7 days each every month from March 7, April 4 and May 2 this year.

The total session sites in Tamenglong will be 111 while the district total target children is 284 with 159 target pregnant women for the 1st round of IMI 4.0. The objective of this intensified mission indradhanush 4.0 (IMI 4.0) is to cover all the IMI 4.0 targeted children and pregnant women and also other children and pregnant women in the villages.

DC Hungyo Worshang IAS has appealed all the parents to get their children vaccinated fully to protect them from vaccine preventable diseases during this IMI 4.0 rounds and thereafter in the routine immunization sessions in the outreach as well as in the fixed sessions at all the health centres regularly.

CMO Tamenglong, Dr G Majachunglu also mentioned about the importance of fully immunization of all children under 2 years. She also mentioned that the rate of sick children and number of children admitted in the hospitals due to vaccine preventable diseases have been drastically reduced which is the result of regular immunization of children.

The Deputy Commission once again appealed all the ANMs, ASHAs and other team members to carry on the IMI 4.0 activities with maximum effort to achieve the district fully immunization of children more than 98%. He also appealed all the AWWs, teachers, police, paramilitary forces, government and private vehicle owners, NGOs, NYKs, other District, state and national level officers to help and co operate the vaccination teams in their activities for smooth implementation of the programme in humanitarian grounds.

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