Raw – Perfectly Flawed by Chirmi Shimray

She will love herself, Like no man ever did”, writes Chirmi Shimray in her new poetry book, Raw. Women, since time immemorial have been the subject of a lesser sex. Shimray’s poetry book defies this subjugation and rises like the Phoenix— where there’s renewal and rebirth.

Raw— perfectly flawed” by Chirmi Shimray is a collection of 117 poems divided into ten sections. Based on her personal experiences, Shimray penned down these poems relating to the general outbreaks that occur in the lives of women in particular. These poems are bold and fierce, bringing out the anguish in a repressed woman’s heart. But there’s more to this than the repressive soul! This once repressed soul now discovers self love and comes out indestructible. No adversity can raze her. No soul can demean her. She’s risen above adversity. Like performing an ablution, she is renewed and now lives life on her own terms. She is her own master.

Also Read: Chirmi Shimray releases new book ‘Raw – Perfectly Flawed’

These collected poems take the universal courses of outburst ranging from agony to hope.

The first section is titled, “The Black Sea”. This section speaks about a woman’s misery of being stuck in a toxic relationship.

“I was a fool to believe in his painted lies And fell for the traps set by the devil”

The second section titled, “The Healing” talks about a tattered soul who is getting the healing that’s required. The poems in this section celebrate being broken and empty. The soul searches for peace and healing, walking past all the brokenness and heartache.

“I wish I can tell you
That there are people like you out there, Who are broken and free – That we are alike and you are never alone;I wish I can tell you
That it will break you and tear you apart But I know you’ll make it,
And darling, I wish I can tell you
That once you get the taste of it – It is empowering”

In the third section titled, “Bloom”, Shimray delves on the subject of forgiveness and loving the self. The fourth section titled, “Invincible Warriors” is an ode to the mothers. Here the poet speaks about the sacrifices made by mothers for the welfare of their children. She talks about the pain that mothers go through in trying to give the best to the future generation.

“The gods work hard But our mothers work harder lately.”

The fifth section, “Wildflowers” and the sixth, “Daughters” celebrates women. While sections  seventh and eighth talk about youth and frenemies based on the poet’s own experiences. The ninth section concentrates on giving birth. The last section of the collection is titled, “Leo” which is a special ode to the poet’s two-year old  son, Leo. Through this section, Shimray prepares her son to grow into a man that knows humanity.

“The only thing that kept me alive was the miracle kicking inside of me, Each kick reminding me that he wanted to live – That life was worth living.”

Chirmi Shimray’s Raw- perfectly flawed is a reminder that self love and speaking up for oneself is important. In this book Shimray explores themes like heartache, pain, regret, acceptance, women empowerment, self love, agony, rebirth and appreciation. This is a book that churns the soul in you into coming closer to empowerment and self love.

Pages- 158

Publisher – self-published 

Price- Rs. 318

Get your copy from AMAZON

[ For more book reviews, visit my blog @themreichonreads ]

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