sOME tributes are harder to write for it cannot be contained by putting words together and that is how impossible it is, to compose one for the indelible Tapan! He
sOME tributes are harder to write for it cannot be contained by putting words together and that is how impossible it is, to compose one for the indelible Tapan! He
IN AN UNUSUAL MEMORIAL of a woman who died a year earlier, her parents and lone brother chose to grieve in grace by speaking about her death, in a solemn
In the words of Tapan Bose, a noted defender of human rights and democracy, ‘AFSPA is evil. It is not only against human rights but against humanity.’ A friend, who
Why are you silent this time?14 more I have claimed,from the land you so fiercely protectwith your history and writings 1958 onwards…Oh you have lost count.But I grow more sophisticatedwith
Aren’t you writing anything?How do we write when deprived of all emotions when struck by barbarity of great magnitude ~ Evil, they say provokes you I, a mother, refuses to
A jar of pickleof the finest Naga chilliesthat do not drip of oilor lose its tasteto sour vinegarbut has just the right amountof ginger and garlicin ‘knots’ and clovesthat whoever