Maphã Luilu which was released on November 21, 2020 on, a pay and watch streaming service site, was leaked by a YouTube channel by the name Yangyang for about four days.
This is a serious breach of copyright issue for Maphã Luilu production team and for site, owned and run by Ukhrul Times.
Therefore, in order to protect the exclusivity of the given creator and damage of copyrights to reproduce the exclusive content, Maphã Luilu production and is forced to issue an ultimatum to the Yangyang YouTube channel to get in touch with the Production team Maphã Luilu or on or before December 15th 2020.
Also read: Maphã Luilu music video released: Chuimeila Keishing as Chief Guest
In the event that Yangyang YouTube channel fail to respond, a legal copyright suit will be issued to the owner of the channel.
While filing of this report the Video was pulled down by the Yangyang YouTube channel.