Dear Nagas, let’s rise above our differences: GPRN President Yung Aung

(Photo: The Morung Express)

Ukhrul, Jan 31: My dear Fellow Nagas and comrades,

On this historic occasion of the NSCN/GPRN’s 45th Raising Day, I extend my warm greetings in the mighty name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Today is a special day to pay homage to all our brave Naga patriots who laid their precious lives for the nation. In fact, this day is not a celebratory day for NSCN/GPRN, but rather an occasion to reflect on all that we have lost at the hands of the occupational forces. We remember and pray for all our national workers who are injured, and maimed, and those who are confined in enemy prisons for the national cause. We thank them for their remarkable resilience, patriotism, and courage. Surely the best way to honour their sacrifices is to stay on course till the realization of our goal.

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I also convey my revolutionary salute to the freedom loving people as well as to all the fraternal revolutionary organisations of our Western South East Asia (WESEA) region.

It was on this day the 31st of January, 1980, that the NSCN/GPRN was established with a clear vision to mantle the responsibility of the Naga national struggle and to save the nation from destruction. A solemn declaration was made to reaffirm our commitment to upholding the historic 1951 plebiscite made by the Naga people for a Sovereign independent nation. This day the Nagas marks seven decades of brutal occupation and oppression in the hands of repressive colonial countries and we think that our genuine movement and sacrifices have been undermined and disregarded to the core. Despite all these years of extreme suffering and unrelenting injustice, the Nagas’ quest for freedom remains unbroken.

Since the very inception, NSCN/GPRN have resisted India and Myanmar aggression through every possible means. We will continue to remind our occupiers that Nagas will never be bullied into silence. Being politically and morally in a right position, NSCN/GPRN remains the lone and authentic political organization defending the freedom of the entire Naga country.

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My dear Nagas and comrades, let us remain thankful to God for continuing to lead the Naga national struggle. We are proud that our ongoing movement continue to inspire the hopes and dreams of other oppressed nationalities of WESEA and beyond. The story of the Naga liberation is intrinsically linked to other struggles in the WESEA region because of our shared goals and visions. We have overcome past challenges together and Nagas will continue to stand in solidarity alongside them and echo their fight for justice- not just today, but every day.

India is a modern-day imperialist and aggressive power that continuously attempts to annihilate the WESEAN revolution through various hideous policies and repressive laws. Apart from political and military subjugation, another goal is clear – ethnic cleansing of minorities. The Modi-led BJP government has utilized Hindutva to turn India into an autocracy and is getting worse. BJP is deliberately fueling the communal and religious tensions that already existed in India to advance its dirty politics. Hindu nationalism has dominated the Indian political landscape increasing discrimination and persecution against religious minorities, including Christians.

Today the heavy militarization and human rights violation in WESEA is not India’s so-called internal issue anymore. It is becoming a part of intense global scrutiny, which reflects that the joint struggle is getting its due recognition beyond the WESEA region.

India’s weaponization of the Naga peace process to benefit its hidden agenda is a well-known fact. The collusion between GOl and some Naga political groups to finalize the Naga issue under the Indian constitution has been strongly objected to by the NSCN/GPRN since day one, hence GOl intensifies its grip to dismantle the NSCN/GPRN.

If these groups of Nagas think that they can protect the unique history and political rights of the Nagas by staying within the Indian constitution, then they are badly mistaken. The Naga political future must not be diluted again due to their political short-sightedness and incompetency.  NSCN/GPRN will not hesitate to nullify any sell-out agreement that serves as an apparatus of the adversaries.

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I take this occasion to especially thank the Eastern Naga people for their undying national spirit, commitment, courage, and rightful stand on the Naga issue. They have yet to see the light of modernity but continue to be patient, longing to finally see the glimmer of hope that they have long been awaiting. Currently, Myanmar is in flames and the situation has never been more critical for the Eastern people. The NSCN/GPRN has maintained a clear non-interference stand on the current Myanmar conflict due to the unique political conditions and situation of the Nagas.

At this critical moment, the alliance between the Myanmar Junta and their Naga proxies poses a grave threat not only to the status quo of the Eastern Nagaland but also a direct attack on the Naga struggle. They will be responsible for any serious consequences in Eastern Nagaland.

Dear Nagas, let us rise above our differences and restore peace and unity within our Naga family. Let us free ourselves from the painful past that only serves to cloud our minds and impede our path toward our Sovereign dream which is our only destiny.

The pursuit of freedom is a long, complex, and arduous journey but our hope and spirit endures. We owe our very existence to God our protector and to the everlasting love, support, and prayers of the Naga people. We will fulfill the mission entrusted to us by the Naga people.

Long live our Nagaland! Kuknalim!

Yung Aung

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This is the message of the President of the Government of the People’s Republic of Nagaland (GPRN) Yung Aung on the 45th Raising Day of NSCN/GPRN on 31st January at the Council Headquarters.

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