SDSA Questions KSO-Sadar Hills for Non-Adherence to Appeal; Warns of Accountability for Consequences

UT DeskNewsSenapati6 months ago

File photo/Senapati

The Senapati District Students Association (SDSA) had questioned the KSO Sadar Hills for non compliance of their earlier appeal not to organise any rally in their jurisdiction and alleged to be held accountable for any consequence in near future.

Related | KSO Sadar Hills Expresses Displeasure Over SDSA’s Actions During Peaceful Rally

In a press statement issued from the Information & Publicity Wing, it stated that the Senapati District Students’ Association (SDSA) vehemently condemned the man handling and physical scuffle by Kuki rally participants amidst presence of central and state security personnel against SDSA leaders and volunteers who were in peaceful human chain at Tumnoupokpi Naga village from proceeding further. Such provoking amd violent attitude of KSO-SH organized rally participants despite prior appeal to cease any form of rally in Naga inhabited areas is questionable and unacceptable.

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SDSA questions the motives and agenda of the rally organizers who were responsible for trespassing the Naga areas despite appeal issued even before the rally was held. Moreover, the provocative nature of rally participants openly screaming “We demand Kukiland, this is our land” in Naga inhabited areas is highly questionable for which the rally organizers KSO-SH can be termed as provoking the Southern Nagas, it maintained. SDSA has made ample clear in earlier statements that any form of carving out Southern Senapati and Naga areas into Kangpokpi District by the then communal Government is not recognized and had reiterated the UNC’s demand to roll back the new District creations.

Also read | Naga Students’ Union Chandel Opposes Kuki-Zo Rally in Chandel, Calls for Immediate Withdrawal

Therefore, KSO-SH so called peace rally in Naga traditional boundaries and ancestral land demanding for separate administration or Kukiland is stated to be unacceptable.

Related | TKS Issues Notice Prohibiting Kuki-Zo Community Rally in Ukhrul and Kamjong

Considering the above facts, the SDSA put on record that any consequence which follows aftermath the man handling incident at Tumnoupokpi Naga village by the KSO-SH rally against SDSA leaders and volunteers, it stated that the KSO-SH shall be held accountable and SDSA should not be responsible for any outcome in the near future.

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