Tamenglong: Awareness cum Sensitization Program on Prime Minister Employment Generation Program was held on Saturday at Shekinuh Inn, Tamenglong headquarters.
The program was organised by District Industries Centre, Tamenglong under the sponsorship of KVIC, Imphal.
Ningreingam Leisan, ADM ADC Tamenglong graced the function as the chief guest, Ginliansang, Asst Manager Punjab National Bank Tamenglong and P. Munal Singh, General Manager DIC Noney & Tamenglong as function president.
Speaking at the function, Thaimei Abung Thomas, functional manager DIC Noney Incharge spoke about the scheme, while Chairman of Daithao farmer MK Akhuam expressed words of gratitude.
An open discussion was also conducted during the program where attendees raised questions and clarified their doubts.