932 Schools from Nagaland participates in National Achievement Survey 2021

Nagaland has joined the country in conducting the National Achievement Survey (NAS) 2021 in 932 schools, covering Government/Private and Central Schools. Altogether, 34,203 students from Classes III, V, VIII & X participated in the event, informed State Nodal Officer.

The release stated NAS-2021 started with the nomination of the District Education Officers as District Nodal Officers NAS. Central Board of School Education (CBSE) appointed the senior Principals as District Level Coordinators (DLC). The DNO and DLC together nominated the Field Investigator and Observers for all the classes in all the sampled schools. The Board Representative (BR) from Delhi arrived in their respective district headquarters on the 8th November 2021 for fair conduct of the survey. To further strengthen the survey, the state government nominated high ranking officers from SCERT as Independent Observers (IO) to oversee the conduct of the survey.

It further said that the massive exercise conducted by NAS is for the target classes with a cycle period of 3 years. The last NAS was held in 2017-18 but could not be conducted in the year 2020 because of school closure due to the pandemic. The survey is a competency based national level large scale assessment, conducted to assess the learning achievements of students. The major objective is to have a system level reflection on the effectiveness of school education in the country and to provide information on system performance levels and related or contributing factors.

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