Angel Nurses Helps Covid Positive Woman deliver baby in Chandel

A 28 year old Covid positive patient Th. Genevieve hailing from Liwa Sarei village delivered a male baby on Monday evening at District Hospital Chandel, the third such delivery in the district within July to August.

Weighing 3.5 Kg the newborn baby was delivered at 7:55 pm on August 16, led by Dr. Gilbert Sumpi, Dr. Ps. Shangreihow and assisted by sister Veronica, Warshing, Temuishim and ward attendant Chanchal.

Mother and child are reported to be stable and have been shifted to isolation ward, medical superintendent district hospital informed.

It may be mentioned that the district hospital Chandel has seen the successful delivery of baby by Covid positive women in the last three weeks. Th. Genevieve case is the fourth successful delivery in this regard including one successful delivery last year.

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