NSCN-IM concerned over Wrong & Vested media report

UT DeskPoliticsNews4 years ago

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The NSCN-IM on Saturday condemned the “Indian Intelligence agencies for connecting the Naga Chief Negotiator and NSCN General Secretary (Th Muivah) to Chinese factor to question his integrity. “We reject outright such manipulative manner of media report targeting Mr. Th. Muivah to question his sincerity and commitment,” the NSCN-IM added.

Issuing a press statement, the NSCN-IM expressed concern on the “wild” media speculations, saying that certain elements are at work to sow seeds of suspicion and undo the hard earned achievement.

The NSCN-IM said that “as the Indo-Naga political talks gained momentum and at the threshold of signing the final deal” there are “wild” media speculations with “vested” interests involved. “It is, however, more than 23 years when Indo-Naga talk has been guided by mutual faith and respect,” the NSCN-IM stated, adding, “And it is on this principle that the talk has reached this far”.

“We believe this is the handiwork of suspicious mindset emanating from panic analysis of Indo-Naga political talks led by NSCN talk team with General Secretary Mr. Th. Muivah as the Chief Negotiator,” the state also said. According to the NSCN-IM, for building a lasting peace, the “Government of India and NSCN need complete faith” on each other without giving any room for doubt and other unfounded Intelligence agencies “wild” analysis and “baseless” calculations.

It then said no sacrifice comes too big for the Naga people to pave the way for the final settlement that is honorable and acceptable. “But for all purposes this is not the right time to throw in unhealthy opinions with the ulterior motive to fracture the hard earned peace process when the propitious moment is round the corner,” it added.

The NSCN-IM then said that, for accommodation convenience, all members of NSCN-IM involved in the peace talk cannot be made to stay in one location in Delhi. “It is, however, wrong on the part of the media to build a ridiculous conjecture that NSCN members are not of one mind. We condemn such a baseless allegation which is intended to send confusing signals to the outside world,” the NSCN-IM added.

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